Extension of NatHERS Certificate IV Transitional Arrangements

To support efficient administration and processing of any accreditation status changes, transitional arrangements for existing NatHERS Accredited assessors obtaining their Certificate IV in NatHERS Assessments have been extended. Under revised transitional arrangements:

  1. Transitional arrangements are extended to 29th January 2016, for assessors who have completed all Certificate IV course requirements to the satisfaction of the training organisation they are enrolled with by 31 December 2015; and
  2. Transitional arrangements are extended to 15th January 2016, for all other relevant assessors (i.e. those assessors subject to transitional arrangements who have not completed all Certificate IV requirements to the satisfaction of the training organisation they are enrolled with by 31 December 2015).

These changes follow consultation by the NatHERS Administrator with Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and with NatHERS Assessor Accrediting Organisations (AAOs), regarding assessor progress against the current transitional arrangement timeframes and the practicality of issuing Certificate IV qualifications and disaccrediting assessors during the summer holiday period.

To clarify above:

  • Assessors who are eligible for the transitional arrangements (i.e. could show that as of 1 July 2015, they were a member of an AAO; and had enrolled in, paid for and had submitted some RPL evidence for the courses required to obtain the Certificate IV qualification) and who complete all Certificate IV course requirements (either by passing relevant courses or  by satisfying relevant Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) requirements) to the satisfaction of the relevant Registered Training Organisation they are enrolled with by 31 December 2015 will have until 29 January 2016 to obtain their Certificate IV before being disaccredited.
  • Assessors who are eligible for the transitional arrangements and who do not complete all Certificate IV requirements to the satisfaction of the relevant Registered Training Organisation they are enrolled with by 31 December 2015, will be disaccredited after 15 January 2016.

Assessors are reminded to submit timely, complete and high quality RPL materials to support their Registered Training Organisation to process their application.