Revision to NatHERS Certificate IV Transitional Arrangements
Revisions have been made to the transitional arrangements allowing eligible assessors to maintain their NatHERS accreditation, while attaining a Certificate IV in NatHERS Assessment qualification.
Under these revisions:
- Transitional arrangements for NatHERS accredited assessors who submitted their required Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) materials to the satisfaction of their Registered Training Organisation (RTO) prior to 31 December 2015, will be extended until 31 March 2016 and
- A statement from an RTO that an assessor has met all requirements to achieve the Certificate IV qualification, will be considered sufficient evidence for an Assessor Accrediting Organisation to grant accreditation (rather than assessors necessarily needing to obtain a certificate from the RTO acknowledging their qualification)
This is in response to advice from some RTOs that they are experiencing delays in processing certificates, acknowledging the completion of the Certificate IV qualification requirement within the transitional arrangement timeframes, and are also still in some cases working through a significant volume of RPL materials submitted prior to 31 December 2015.
For clarity, this decision does not impact those assessors who did not submit all required RPL materials by 31 December 2015. Accreditation for these assessors will remain withdrawn until they can show they have achieved the Certificate IV qualification and otherwise continue to meet NatHERS accreditation requirements.