Update on software release for BERS Pro - Chenath engine V3.13 and FirstRate5

AccuRate   - new version fully accredited from 1 November 2014, no other version can be used for new projects.

FirstRate5  -  accreditation for the new version of FirstRate5 v5.2.0 (3.13) has been granted from 1 February 2015. This short-term accreditation will be reassessed following final stage implementation in the coming months.

In addition, accreditation for FirstRate5 v.5.1x has been extended beyond 1 February 2015 and can be used until further notice. The NatHERS administrator will endeavor to provide at least a month’s notice of the withdrawal of accreditation for FirstRate5 v.5.1x via this website.

BERS Pro - Following a request for an extension of time from Solar Logic, the NatHERS Administrator has granted an extension of the short-term accreditation for the current  accredited version (version 4.2.110811). Further details on progress towards accreditation of the revised software incorporating Chenath engine V3.13 will be released in the next few weeks.

For existing license holders, continue to use the current version until notified of a change via this website.


  1. If the software you are using includes the new engine then you would use Technical Note 1.2, earlier software users would continue to use Technical Note 1.1.
  2. Some state and territory regulators may have different transitional arrangements in place. Please check with your relevant building or planning authority.