NatHERS is being expanded in the future to offer nationally accredited Whole of Home tools. This means that future NatHERS Certificates could also provide information on the energy performance of the fixed appliances and the overall home.
Currently NatHERS provides an assessment and rating of a home’s thermal performance (building fabric), with star ratings based on information about the home’s design, construction materials and the climate where it is being built.
The NatHERS Administrator extends its best wishes to all our stakeholders in this difficult time. We understand that COVID-19 is having a major impact on many people’s lives.
On behalf of the NatHERS Steering Committee, the NatHERS Administrator has granted provisional accreditation to a new Assessor Accrediting Organisation (AAO).
Artibus Innovation has reviewed the CPP41212 Certificate IV in NatHERS Assessment and the CPP41110 Certificate IV in Home Sustainability Assessment on behalf of the Property Services Industry Reference Committee (IRC). It is proposed to replace them with a single qualification, the Certifica